Thursday, December 8, 2016

Episode 5: Individual Differences and Learner's Interaction


            Learners have different skills and abilities. They possess their skills in areas they are good. Some of them are fast learners, while there are also slow learners that teacher tend to repeat the lesson in order for them to understand. The teacher addresses the learning needs of the students through collaborative and interactive activities that interest them. The teacher also presents her lesson variedly he uses not just lectures or normal discussions but sometimes he call some students to explain what she/he understand about the subject matter. Most of the time the teacher tries to capture the attention of the students. 

            After carefully observing and really paying attention to all of the students, the differences in their abilities became very noticeable. I was able to pinpoint the level of performance of the target students to be observed. Some were active participants and some were shy and too quiet. One of the active students I observed was Denise M. Javaluyas. She is a very confident girl and never fails to raise her hand every time the teacher asks a question. Denise is a 17 year old girl who lives in Tambo, Iligan City. She described herself and said that she is a helpful and honest person. Her father is a staff of a company while her mother stays at home to take care of their family. Jay Gutierrez, he is the same age with Denise. His mother is a teacher while his father is currently looking for a job. He is one of the students in class who seem to be behind. He recently sprained his wrist during P.E. class, so he could not participate in the class activity for that day which involved writing on the board. Next is Jamilah Usman, a pretty 18 year old girl who lives Tambo, Iligan City. Her father is a businessman and her mother is a businesswoman also. Despite the fact that she is shy and a bit reluctant in reciting during class, she is one of the students who performed well in the class activity. Acabo Saysay is a 18 year old boy who, lives in Dalipuga, Iligan City. His father is a farmer and his mother is a caregiver student. He is an honest person who admits his weaknesses. Acabo also needs to show extra effort to improve his performance in class. My prior observation was validated by the teacher and also with the help of the four students who were kind enough to fill up the piece of paper I provided where they can express the kind of values and attitudes they possess. Since Jay wrist was sprained, his seat mate helped him fill up the piece of paper. The teacher used a method where all the students except Jay can participate and be observed. The teacher anticipated this that’s why she prepared other activities where everyone can participate thru speaking. It is a good choice to use games to entice the students to participate. Students will develop socialization among classmates plus they are having fun while learning.

            Their behavior is really different, maybe because of their economic status and family background. The learner who is performing well interacts with his teacher based on the discussion, and the one who is low performing pupils interact much with his classmates and make noise. The teacher give more attentions to those who are low performing, she always give her attention to these pupils so that these pupils will not make noise instead listen to the discussion.


            Yes, my observation match with the information given by the teacher, and yes I was able to correctly identify the learners who is performing well and the student who are low performing. Volunteering to answer and always responding to the teacher is the behaviors that help me identify them, the way they present their ideas and respond to the teacher’s direction. 

            In terms of the differences in ability levels of the students in the class, there is really a wide gap between the students that are performing well than those that do not. As I observed, students who are less-performing in the classroom are those students who did not listening to discussion of their teacher and some students who are less performing are those students they always have to ask their seatmate or the teacher for them to understand well the lesson. 

            The teacher uses methods and learning styles in handling the student’s differences in abilities such as question and answer method, discussing the lesson with simplifying and analyzing the problem by means of individual or group activities. Due to these methods, some students are motivated and they respond actively to their teacher. 


            As a future teacher, I will treat my students fairly. I will not compare each one of them. Instead, I will guide them to build a classroom that could be considered as a market place of ideas where every student has the freedom to participate and share their own knowledge and opinions with respect to their abilities, social backgrounds and levels of intelligence. They can be different in their backgrounds, religion, racial groups, culture, capabilities and cognitive levels. I will use some techniques in teaching that I’ sure it is appropriate in their cognitive level. I will let them share their ideas and thoughts so they will know more each other and I will convince those low achievers to interact well in the class because I know that they also have their own ideas and thoughts that they want to share. I know it because we have all individual differences in everything.

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