Thursday, December 8, 2016

Episode 4: Individual Differences and Learner's Interaction


            As I observed the Grade 11 students handled by Mr. Edrein Arasena by the time I visited, Novemebr 23, 2016 marks the day of our observation in Iligan City East National High School – Sta. Filomina. I noticed the different approaches of interaction by the students to everyone in the classroom.

            In the room, the learners who are occupying the classroom were approximately 45 students. Most of them are Roman Catholic in terms of religious setting. 

            During the class hour, I was terribly impressed with students speaking about their interaction, for the reason that they are very participate and instantly responds to the question which asked by their teacher. I saw that there are group of students in the classroom who act as a leader and a little teacher; for they are the one who volunteer to make right the mistake of their classmates though they already know that the teacher is responsible for that. 

            Furthermore, the students who seated at the back and front part of the room are exceeding supportive, cooperative, and participative and they show positive behavior inside the classroom. 

            When a student is called and can’t answer the teacher’s question, some of his/her classmates try to help by whispering the correct or right answer and there are also students who will just raise their hands so that they will the one to be called. This also shows the unity of the class and their concern to their classmates which is good because they care for one another.

            Learners interact with each other freely and with no rules to follow they just talk about what they want without any restrictions. Almost all groups talk about today’s tending topics like: the latest television sitcoms; computer games; hottest celebrities and icons; newly upgraded gadgets; and different games they want to play.


            The person who play an important roles in the classroom interactions are the teacher and the pupils. The teacher acts as facilitator and the pupils as learner. There are pupils who are attention seeker; they tried to catch the attention of their teacher as well as their classmates. There are pupils who appeared to be the leader and a little teacher; they are the one who teaches their classmates who have less knowledge on the subject matter. 

            Yes, there are situations wherein the pupils that belong to the minority group are being rejected by some of their classmates. Some of the pupils who belong to the average group don’t want to have a group mates who are in minority level. Others are also laughing their classmates when somebody commits mistakes like for example wrong solution in solving. 

            The teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual differences of the students by manifesting a fairly values inside the classroom. The teacher doesn’t discourage her students whenever responding her wrong answer from the question. 

            Factors that influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom is their common interests. Because as an individual you will go with the group that you’ll feel the sense of belongingness and where you can share your likes and dislikes because as you join a certain group this will reflect who you are. 


            Every time I’m in the classroom, I feel good because students are really good to me and they’re respecting me even though were just in the same age and I’m still in the first year and not their practice teacher. The teacher and the learners unite when you can see that the classroom’s atmosphere is good and favorable because you can see that everyone is participating and active in the class.

         In the future, if I will become a teacher someday, I will establish effective procedures or strategies that can be a way to develop rapport and interaction in the classroom. I must be creative in creating these strategies in order to have a desirable outcome. If this all will be realize, then there is an effective and good interaction in the classroom.

            I will encourage all learners regardless of their differences to interact and participate by letting them know that even we have our own differences we still have to participate and interact with others because after all we are in a world with different characteristics, attitudes, personalities, religious beliefs and differences but we are all sons on God (Allah) Almighty that’s why we should communicate with one another no matter we have different views in life.

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