Thursday, December 8, 2016

Episode 6: Individual Differences and Learner's Interaction

                                                          Suggested Parent Interview Guide

            Your teacher may ask you to use a more detailed interview guide, be free to translate the questions, if necessary.

Name of Learner: Denise M. Javaluyas
Date of Birth: Novermber 1, 1999                                       Age: 17
Grade/Year Level: Grade 11                                                Gender: Female
Number of Siblings: 6
Birth Order: 2

Mother: Rose Javaluyas
Age: 45
Occupation: Housewife                                                         Educational Attainment: College
Father: Alfred Javaluyas
Occupation: Driver                                                                Educational Attainment:

Learner’s Physical Aspects:
Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner:
            There are times in her pregnancy that she has fever.

Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child:
            Only fever and no serious health problem encounter.

Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk:
            She was 8 months old when she started to walk and at 1 year old when she started to talk.

Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:
            When she was a child then she is bottle feed or supplement milk. At present she prefer to eat fish and vegetables.

Who took care of him/her as a child?
            It was only his family who took care of her, most of the time was her mother

Learner’s Social Aspect:
Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner)
            She is very friendly and outgoing child at present.

Who were the learner’s playmates?
            Her playmates were her neighbor with the same age as her and also his classmates.

As a child then was he/she allowed to play outside?
            Yes, she is allowed to play outside as long as she wants and she is not sick.

Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?
Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out?
What are these rules?
            Yes, she is allowed to go out with his friends. Rule: Do not go swimming without the guidance of any adults. If playing the whole day, she should be home before 5 pm. 

What are your expectations of your child?
            Expectation of him, she was able to be a consistent honor pupil until she graduated in elementary and high school and was able to finish a course that he wants in college.

How do you provide a nurture environment for your child?
            She is given only things that she wants and not too much to the point that it’s useless already.

Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to meet his/her emotional needs?
            Yes, the child will go to her mother whenever she encounters trouble with her friends while playing outside.

What do you do when he /she is not successful in something?
            So far, she has not been disappointed in aiming for something, maybe because of her young age.

How do you discipline your children?
            She is being discipline through everyday reminders on things. When she commits mistakes she is being scolded.

Do you have rules in the house? What are they?
            Yes. Rules do not make any troubles outside with your playmates.

How do you impose the rules?
            This rules is impose, whenever she commits troubles with her playmates she let him also solve that, and no one will help her on that.

What are the consequences of breaking the rules?
            She will be scolded and punished from going outside and play with her friends.

Learner’s Cognitive Aspects:
What are the child’s interests?
            She is interested in studying, she also loves to sing and drawing, but it need to be enhance.

What is he/she good at in school?
            She is good in the subjects, Math and English.

In what subject/s does she have difficulty?
            She has difficulty in the subject Filipino.

How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?
            She was being monitor by asking her teacher, how she is performing in school. She was being motivated through always supporting her in everything that she needs in school.

Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?
What are these rules? How are they implemented?

            Yes, after school she should make all the assignments before going out to play with friends. This is implemented, her mother will always check if she has any assignments.

            After you have gathered all the necessary data. Write the Learner’s development profile using the outline below. Type the profile in a separate sheet and attached it to this learning episode.


The Learner’s Development Profile

Name of Learner: Denise M. Javaluyas
School: Iligan City East National High School
Date of Home Visit: Dec. 7, 2016
Date of Birth: November 1, 1999                  Age: 17
Grade/Year Level: Grade 11                         Gender: Female

Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 6
Birth Order: 2
Mother: Rose Javaluyas
Age: 45
Occupation: Housewife                     Educational Attainment: College (Undergraduate)
Father: Alfred Javaluyas
Occupation: Driver                            Educational Attainment:

Physical Development

            The physical development of the child normal as to her age. Since during pregnancy of the mother only fever and no serious health problem encountered the child now is also healthy, no ailments or any serious health problems.

Social Development

            She socially develops, because she loves to go out with her friends, she is also sweet child so she is very close to her family, to her sister and brother.
Emotional-Moral Development

            She is emotionally okay, the environment that her parent has given to him help him to become a good child. She also has sound behavior. She knows how to follow rules given by her parents.

Cognitive Development

            As to her cognitive development, at the present she is good the subjects math and English. But when it comes to Filipino subject she finds it difficult. She is also interested to singing and drawing.


            My findings about my interview with the mother of the child, I can say that the child was being care by her family to the point that she was able to build a good physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.


            I therefore conclude that the learning of the child begins at home. At home the child learns values, works and his cognition slowly developed. However, school plays a vital role in molding the child. Sine school is made for the purpose of developing cognitive aspects of the learner. As the child goes to study from pre-school until senior high, she spends much time in school rather than at home. So, the total development of a child depends in school as well as the teachers and instructors or instructresses, which are the most important agents in school that bears and impart knowledge and values with the learners.


            I do recommend that each teacher must be diligent, resourceful and patience in handling the learners. He/she must use varied strategies in order to catch the interest and attention of the students to focus on the lesson. He/she must bear in mind the knowledge that the learners get rather than the salary receive. For the parents, they must be responsible in guiding and disciplining their children, they must be open with them. They should always ask them about their studies and give encouragement to focus and study hard sp as to become successful in their lives. The most important is the role of the learner, they me be always compliant and dutiful. They must ensure to themselves that they are motivated to learn and participate since they are responsible of their own learning.


   When I conducted an interview to the parents of the learner, I was able to know that the style of parenting they have on their child is authoritative type in which this type of parenting the learner is self-governing but there are still rules present that limit him in his play, actions, and joining with friends.

            As what I have learned in Child and Adolescent Development the factors that I am going to contribute to the development and over – all adjustment of the learner in school are: first, it contributes how the learners are nurtured by his parents, their financial setting, and cultural background of the family unit.

            “Education begins at home” This quote helped me in finding and understanding the behavior of the learner. What he did in school reflects how heis nurtured and reared by his parents at home. One of these effects for instance, if the learner act and possessed misconduct in the classroom, then what he did especially when it is a serious type then surely his parents are expected to visit the school and consult for the performance of his child to his adviser or teacher.


            When I was still a girl until this present, I observed that the style of parenting I have is authoritative type of parenting. Wherein my parents are always in authority and rules are given, yet they are so gentle and loving. They demand and respond to us equally. I am not restricted to all the things that I want to be involved in, especially in choosing my peers. Even though sometimes they are strict, they have clear reasons behind it. And they make us to understand the consequences of their behavior. And this type of their parenting style affects us positively. As a child, a buddy, and a student, I’m so sociable and so friendly; I have a lot of friends. I do not lack involvement with other people. And I do not feel any deprivation of social life.

            A way I can establish home-school collaboration with parents is by being acquaintance to build rapport and gain information from them. Simple small talk, about weather, traffic, a local event, any of those hundreds of things that adults use to make contact with one another, can be appropriate at the beginning of our relationship. But eventually it is necessary for me to talk about the child. An inviting question could be, “What has my student said about his school activities?” It would be necessary to ask open-ended questions in order to get the parents talking about their child and to share information that may help me with the student in school.

            In order to have a good working relationship with the parents, I need to think like one, to genuinely send off caring and concerned messages when speaking about their child and to create a welcoming environment to their guardians. Positive, honest and clear communication is suggested as the foundation to building personalized relationships with parent where each of us understands and respects each other’s perspective. Working together toward shared goals with shared power, this collaboration can require ongoing planning, development and even evaluation. This can mean soliciting support from the school for needs like release time to meet up with parents/families in the community or development of a family support area in the school.

            Together, the parents and I can discuss expectations for their child’s achievement and our respective roles in helping the child meet these expectations. As part of an educational institution in the future, I can develop programs to promote effective home-school- partnerships that support positive academic, behavioral and social competencies for all students in my school. I’ll look to be engaged in efforts to increase mutual respect, understanding, caring and flexibility among families and the school community.

            Parents’ role on the other hand will involve regular communication with me about their child’s progress, encouragement of leisure reading with their children, participation in school functions, athletics, and other extra-curricular activities, monitoring homework completion, frequent communication with their children about academic and behavioral expectations and progress. They can also participate in school as committee member or volunteers. 

Episode 5: Individual Differences and Learner's Interaction


            Learners have different skills and abilities. They possess their skills in areas they are good. Some of them are fast learners, while there are also slow learners that teacher tend to repeat the lesson in order for them to understand. The teacher addresses the learning needs of the students through collaborative and interactive activities that interest them. The teacher also presents her lesson variedly he uses not just lectures or normal discussions but sometimes he call some students to explain what she/he understand about the subject matter. Most of the time the teacher tries to capture the attention of the students. 

            After carefully observing and really paying attention to all of the students, the differences in their abilities became very noticeable. I was able to pinpoint the level of performance of the target students to be observed. Some were active participants and some were shy and too quiet. One of the active students I observed was Denise M. Javaluyas. She is a very confident girl and never fails to raise her hand every time the teacher asks a question. Denise is a 17 year old girl who lives in Tambo, Iligan City. She described herself and said that she is a helpful and honest person. Her father is a staff of a company while her mother stays at home to take care of their family. Jay Gutierrez, he is the same age with Denise. His mother is a teacher while his father is currently looking for a job. He is one of the students in class who seem to be behind. He recently sprained his wrist during P.E. class, so he could not participate in the class activity for that day which involved writing on the board. Next is Jamilah Usman, a pretty 18 year old girl who lives Tambo, Iligan City. Her father is a businessman and her mother is a businesswoman also. Despite the fact that she is shy and a bit reluctant in reciting during class, she is one of the students who performed well in the class activity. Acabo Saysay is a 18 year old boy who, lives in Dalipuga, Iligan City. His father is a farmer and his mother is a caregiver student. He is an honest person who admits his weaknesses. Acabo also needs to show extra effort to improve his performance in class. My prior observation was validated by the teacher and also with the help of the four students who were kind enough to fill up the piece of paper I provided where they can express the kind of values and attitudes they possess. Since Jay wrist was sprained, his seat mate helped him fill up the piece of paper. The teacher used a method where all the students except Jay can participate and be observed. The teacher anticipated this that’s why she prepared other activities where everyone can participate thru speaking. It is a good choice to use games to entice the students to participate. Students will develop socialization among classmates plus they are having fun while learning.

            Their behavior is really different, maybe because of their economic status and family background. The learner who is performing well interacts with his teacher based on the discussion, and the one who is low performing pupils interact much with his classmates and make noise. The teacher give more attentions to those who are low performing, she always give her attention to these pupils so that these pupils will not make noise instead listen to the discussion.


            Yes, my observation match with the information given by the teacher, and yes I was able to correctly identify the learners who is performing well and the student who are low performing. Volunteering to answer and always responding to the teacher is the behaviors that help me identify them, the way they present their ideas and respond to the teacher’s direction. 

            In terms of the differences in ability levels of the students in the class, there is really a wide gap between the students that are performing well than those that do not. As I observed, students who are less-performing in the classroom are those students who did not listening to discussion of their teacher and some students who are less performing are those students they always have to ask their seatmate or the teacher for them to understand well the lesson. 

            The teacher uses methods and learning styles in handling the student’s differences in abilities such as question and answer method, discussing the lesson with simplifying and analyzing the problem by means of individual or group activities. Due to these methods, some students are motivated and they respond actively to their teacher. 


            As a future teacher, I will treat my students fairly. I will not compare each one of them. Instead, I will guide them to build a classroom that could be considered as a market place of ideas where every student has the freedom to participate and share their own knowledge and opinions with respect to their abilities, social backgrounds and levels of intelligence. They can be different in their backgrounds, religion, racial groups, culture, capabilities and cognitive levels. I will use some techniques in teaching that I’ sure it is appropriate in their cognitive level. I will let them share their ideas and thoughts so they will know more each other and I will convince those low achievers to interact well in the class because I know that they also have their own ideas and thoughts that they want to share. I know it because we have all individual differences in everything.

Episode 4: Individual Differences and Learner's Interaction


            As I observed the Grade 11 students handled by Mr. Edrein Arasena by the time I visited, Novemebr 23, 2016 marks the day of our observation in Iligan City East National High School – Sta. Filomina. I noticed the different approaches of interaction by the students to everyone in the classroom.

            In the room, the learners who are occupying the classroom were approximately 45 students. Most of them are Roman Catholic in terms of religious setting. 

            During the class hour, I was terribly impressed with students speaking about their interaction, for the reason that they are very participate and instantly responds to the question which asked by their teacher. I saw that there are group of students in the classroom who act as a leader and a little teacher; for they are the one who volunteer to make right the mistake of their classmates though they already know that the teacher is responsible for that. 

            Furthermore, the students who seated at the back and front part of the room are exceeding supportive, cooperative, and participative and they show positive behavior inside the classroom. 

            When a student is called and can’t answer the teacher’s question, some of his/her classmates try to help by whispering the correct or right answer and there are also students who will just raise their hands so that they will the one to be called. This also shows the unity of the class and their concern to their classmates which is good because they care for one another.

            Learners interact with each other freely and with no rules to follow they just talk about what they want without any restrictions. Almost all groups talk about today’s tending topics like: the latest television sitcoms; computer games; hottest celebrities and icons; newly upgraded gadgets; and different games they want to play.


            The person who play an important roles in the classroom interactions are the teacher and the pupils. The teacher acts as facilitator and the pupils as learner. There are pupils who are attention seeker; they tried to catch the attention of their teacher as well as their classmates. There are pupils who appeared to be the leader and a little teacher; they are the one who teaches their classmates who have less knowledge on the subject matter. 

            Yes, there are situations wherein the pupils that belong to the minority group are being rejected by some of their classmates. Some of the pupils who belong to the average group don’t want to have a group mates who are in minority level. Others are also laughing their classmates when somebody commits mistakes like for example wrong solution in solving. 

            The teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual differences of the students by manifesting a fairly values inside the classroom. The teacher doesn’t discourage her students whenever responding her wrong answer from the question. 

            Factors that influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom is their common interests. Because as an individual you will go with the group that you’ll feel the sense of belongingness and where you can share your likes and dislikes because as you join a certain group this will reflect who you are. 


            Every time I’m in the classroom, I feel good because students are really good to me and they’re respecting me even though were just in the same age and I’m still in the first year and not their practice teacher. The teacher and the learners unite when you can see that the classroom’s atmosphere is good and favorable because you can see that everyone is participating and active in the class.

         In the future, if I will become a teacher someday, I will establish effective procedures or strategies that can be a way to develop rapport and interaction in the classroom. I must be creative in creating these strategies in order to have a desirable outcome. If this all will be realize, then there is an effective and good interaction in the classroom.

            I will encourage all learners regardless of their differences to interact and participate by letting them know that even we have our own differences we still have to participate and interact with others because after all we are in a world with different characteristics, attitudes, personalities, religious beliefs and differences but we are all sons on God (Allah) Almighty that’s why we should communicate with one another no matter we have different views in life.

Episode 3: Classroom Management and Learning

Observation Report for Learner’s Characteristics

            As I observed the Grade 11 students, I can see that the learners sometimes need additional motivation to keep their attention focused and avoid doing something in their seats. The students’ ages range from 17-18 years old. They are all in proper uniform and walked quietly to their respective classroom. They can manage their own behavior but they will just settle down if the teacher already warns them. In quizzes, I can see some students who can’t work independently but I know that they’re trying to answer and understand the quiz. They were doing some activities such as seat works. 
            When it comes to discipline and good manners they are very polite and cooperative in class. I also noticed that even though they’re having little conversation to their other classmates they can still focus on their assigned tasks and they can manage their behavior by finishing their assigned works. On their listening, I noticed that they are mature enough to follow the instructions given to them on their ability to concentrate, even their destructed to some ideas such as doing their own discussion to their peer group they can still manage to finish their assigned task.

            These students are well-behaved and they worked independently during class. They are all very focused in class. Generally, the students of this class are fast learners.

                        Observation Notes on Classroom Management     

           The teaching materials are kept in a cabinet. The room’s cleaning materials are located at the back right corner of the room besides in the fitting room. There are rules and procedures posted in the room, the walls of the classroom are the class officers, certificates of recognition, cleaners, shorten and regular period schedules and the announcement of upcoming school activities.

           The teacher will ask everyone to pick up pieces of papers or trash if there is any, then they proceed with the teacher leading the prayer. Leading the prayer can build a habit of standing in front of the class with confidence. Before they start with their lesson they have a short review by oral recitation. Then we would conduct recitations as a form of review or checking of assignments if any. This is done so they will remember to do their homework. 
            The seating arrangement is in height. It divided by three rows, each row are divided in three which on the left and right part of the desks are the girls are seated while the boys are on the center. The teacher disciplines his class without embarrassment and threat. Using genuine verbal praises, appreciation thru acknowledgement and encouraging them to do better next time are the teacher’s way to reinforce positive behavior. I can say that the teacher I observed has a very good skill in classroom management.


Aspect of Classroom Management
Effect on the Learners
(to be filled up after you answer the analysis questions)

1. Specific Areas in the Classroom

In front of the class is the teacher’s table. The back right corner of the room is where the cleaning materials 

Provides freedom to move easily within the class; maximizes the students’ interaction with their teacher and classmates.

2. Classroom Rules

Rules and procedures are posted properly in a specific area in the classroom.
These aid the students to learn how to follow instruction or rules in the classroom.

3. Classroom Procedures

The teacher always gives motivations to the learners, warm up or any
This will make the learners to become lively and enthusiastic.

4. Daily Routines

The teacher starts the class with a prayer then a review of the discussion they discussed last time.
The effect on the learners is that their last discussion will be refreshed in the mind of the learners.

5. Seating Arrangement
The seating arrangement is arranged alternately from boy to girl.
The effect on the learners is that they will be able to socialize with the opposite sex role.

6. Handling misbehavior/off- task  behavior

Correcting error without embarrassment; calmly calling attention; reminding the student the consequences of one’s actions in a serene way
Does not embarrass the learner; the teacher does not discourage participation in class; the learners are not being threaten but disciplined; makes the learners know that the teacher is not upset but only concerned with them.

7. Reinforcement of Positive Behavior

The teacher gives acknowledgment to every student that will do positive behavior and excellence in the class.
The effect on the students is that they will be able to strive hard to be excellent in class.


            An excellent classroom organization helps the learners and teacher to gain easy access to teaching materials, provides freedom to move easily within the class and maximize the students’ interaction with their teacher and classmates. When a routine designed by the teacher becomes the students’ habit, the students would know what is expected of them in class. I observed, the checking of attendance does not take a lot of the period’s time because the teacher doesn’t need to do a roll call every meeting. 
               The teacher should have in mind time management and teaching materials. I’ve learned that a place must have favorable learning conditions, smooth transitions during class, and excellent management skills. Pavlov’s Higher-Order Conditioning, and B.F. Skinner’s S-R theory. When routines are designed to be a habit in class then the Law of Exercise should be practiced combined with Pavlov’s Higher Order Conditioning, where the teacher can use different kinds of neutral stimulus to become the conditioned stimulus for the students. Added the positive reinforcement, such as feedback or verbal praises, from the findings of Skinner then the routine the teacher designs will be a very effective one.

            In the class I observed, the teacher used positive reinforcement in conditioning the class for their new lesson and expected exam in the next period. When it comes to their daily routine, the class already turned it into a habit. The teacher made use of positive reinforcement in forms of verbal praises and encouragement to the students to do better next time. I think that the teacher’s strategies are very effective because the students are all actively participating and focused in class.


         I see myself teaching a senior high school class. The classroom must contain teaching materials that are accessible for use. The furniture must be positioned in areas where the contents could be easily seen. The seating arrangement should be in alphabetical order. The position of the desks could be in the traditional rows in columns or facing center, depending on the class activity for that day. I would like everyone to be seated in alphabetical order so it would be fast and easy to check for absentees in class. There would be an opening prayer where a different student leads every day this is also in alphabetical order. Leading the prayer can build a habit of standing in front of the class with confidence. This can help them improve their speaking skill too. Then we would conduct recitations as a form of review or checking of assignments if any.

       The rule would be maintaining cleanliness in the room. It’s a real shame but the some of the first year Education students seem that they don’t have a habit of keeping their classroom clean. So I want to put into practice the maintaining of order and cleanliness in class. This is a part of the conditions for a classroom to be conducive to learning. And lastly I will give grade incentives to those students who have perfect attendance in the whole school year. This is to motivate the students to come to class every day.

       On the first day of class, I will divide the students into 4 groups, then I will ask them to come up with their group name and their classroom rule that they want to implement. We will use the rules they come up with and add them to my own rules to let the students see that they are a part of this class and all their suggestions and opinions are taken seriously.